Wednesday, June 1, 2011

romantic wallpapers

romantic wallpapers. Romantic wallpapers from
  • Romantic wallpapers from

  • iNewbie
    Oct 3, 10:14 AM
    Yet another Notes hater here.

    I first came across it at work in 1992 or so, back with version 2. We used it for our customer support and sales databases, and the company were still using it in 1999 when I finally left them. By then they were also developing a web-server product based on the current Notes webserver component, and re-launched the company around this product, floating the company to obtain extra venture capital. It was quite frankly the worst performing web server I'd ever seen, and the company folded when the money ran out.

    As part of supporting this junk product I had to pass a Notes exam. For that I learnt how Notes mail handled multiple copies of the same large attachment within multiple mailboxes. I forget the full details, but there was a nightly process that ran through the mail database and consolidated such attachments. It was a horrible mechanism. The previous mail system I came from handled this in a far simpler way by simply using hard links.

    A collegue once ran the then current Notes release under the debug version of Windows 3.1, and had never seen so many reported errors in code.

    I'd also had to integrate Notes (version 4 I believe) into another E-mail sytem via a gateway at a customer. Configuring SMTP to an external source under Notes was a pain, and it took 3 'engineers' about 4 hours to try all of the combinations before we could get it to both send and receive mail.

    I've come across Notes a few times since then. Still horrible.

    I just don't understand all these Notes haters and their anectodal stories.. I'm not trying to flame or argue... but only have a reasonable discussion..

    You had a bad experience in 1999... Since version 5 came out in early 1999 you were likely on version 4.x. Notes has come a LONG way since then. This is like hating OSX because you had a bad experience with OS7 or System7 or whatever it was called. The webserver in those days was basically the FIRST version of it in the product. It was probably the internotes component.. you're right it probably wasn't very good back then.. The whole internet thing was jsut really taking off back then...

    I haven't done much with shared mail which is what you're referencing regarding the attachments but again in the EARLY days it was something that people on said was not perfected.. Again it's a lot better now..

    Notes is NOT going to cure cancer.. similar to Visual Basic it get's a bad rap because it's a RAPID APPLICATION development system. It's also easy to learn. Many Notes developers started out with no prior programming experience. As such not all notes apps in the early days were written very well. But do you know what's cool? All of those applications will still RUN on the latest version. There's no microsoft rip and replace business here. But is that really an advantage? I think so but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe companies really like to re-write existing applications because they will no longer work because Microsoft want's to do something "different"..

    romantic wallpapers. romantic desktop wallpaper
  • romantic desktop wallpaper

  • Prom1
    Sep 12, 08:11 PM

    I guess that's the G-Rated version ;).

    romantic wallpapers. Very Romantic wallpapers
  • Very Romantic wallpapers

  • Flying Llama
    Aug 19, 06:30 PM
    my first try it suckstoo much to come ne where near to winning but so what only 90 some to go anyways

    bah! what are you talking about??? it's fanstastic!

    romantic wallpapers. Romantic wallpaper
  • Romantic wallpaper

  • rich2000
    Oct 12, 10:40 AM
    It's certainly not as sleek as before but that's my first impression. Not quite as professional looking and the UI is almost 'overdone'.

    Might revert to Tweetie 1.

    Maps are nice though.

    That's it exactly, I've been trying to think what it is... and you're right the UI is actually overdone!


    romantic wallpapers. Romantic
  • Romantic

  • APlasticFork
    May 4, 01:37 PM
    Ohhh, alright is seems clear enough :)

    romantic wallpapers. Romantic Wallpapers
  • Romantic Wallpapers

  • rezenclowd3
    Apr 4, 07:45 PM
    Personally I dislike the F series BMWs. From afar I don't know if it's a decent looking run of the mill Japanese car or an actual BMW. The E39 5 series I do agree with being just tits though. I think the E36 3 series usually look like junkers unless they are in pristine condition, which most seem to be utterly abused. Bring back the E46 style headlights and rear, with the very distinct OVAL kidneys.

    My favorite car of all time as its truly lightweight AND nutty HP/Torque unlike the Veyron which is just heavy and nutty HP/Torque:

    Then the other truly beautiful car IMO is the Orca C11 which a father and son made:

    I'm also a sucker for 90s vaporware supercars...

    Also, the BMW 8 series should not have been beautiful and the interior to die for.... The only thing wrong with it was to try to add 2 very small back seats:
    I just wish I fit in it....otherwise I would have picked one up by now...

    And THE car that set THE standard in the sporty family car market:


    romantic wallpapers. Romantic Couple Wallpapers
  • Romantic Couple Wallpapers

  • Ashwee
    Mar 25, 02:02 PM
    Just a hint:

    romantic wallpapers. romantic evening Wallpaper
  • romantic evening Wallpaper

  • note235
    Jul 9, 09:16 PM
    Any extra one.
    $700 shipped
    can local pickup
    accept MO,transfer and check.

    note235 is heatware


    romantic wallpapers. hugging romantic wallpaper
  • hugging romantic wallpaper

  • applemacdude
    Jul 1, 09:57 PM
    Boot off the cd by pressing the c key. Initalize the drive again and install right after

    romantic wallpapers. 200+ Romantic Wallpapers
  • 200+ Romantic Wallpapers

  • swinneyn
    Oct 28, 02:15 AM
    I don't think this really looks at all like an apple ad but i thought I'd take a shot :)


    romantic wallpapers. romantic lovers wallpapers.
  • romantic lovers wallpapers.

  • Shawnpk
    May 3, 12:47 AM
    I have a 250gb Seagate Free Agent Go Flex drive ... I was just wondering when they would launch the thunderbolt adapter and would i then be able to use that drive for time machine? with thunderbolt speeds?

    I have the 1.5TB model and I've also been wondering if/when they would launch the Thunderbolt adapter. Although I already use mine for time machine.

    romantic wallpapers. romantic sweet heart candle
  • romantic sweet heart candle

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 10, 04:47 PM
    VW figured out that bigger sells better in the mid-size four door sedan market, so they bumped it up. They decontented a bit, and they also moved production to the US ( I guess VW has decided to move from "affordable German luxury" back to "The people's car".

    It's a shame, really, because they are removing the very qualities that would make me shop for a VW. I would prefer a Golf though. As I said above, I wonder if Golf will maintain its more European character, or if it too will be dumbed-down and upsized.


    romantic wallpapers. Romantic Wallpapers
  • Romantic Wallpapers

  • phpmaven
    Apr 6, 01:25 PM
    12 Petabytes doesn't seem like all that much. I have a 2TB drive sitting on my desk, and this would be like 6,000 of my drives. Doesn't seem like that much when you think about the amount of customers they are likely to be serving.

    Is that the car from back to the future? Those movies were great :)

    Younger Dr. Emmett Brown: [running out of the room] 1.21 gigawatts? 1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott!
    Marty McFly: [following] What-what the hell is a gigawatt?

    romantic wallpapers. Cute and Romantic Wallpapers
  • Cute and Romantic Wallpapers

  • CubusX
    Apr 7, 04:13 PM
    Like many, since 4.3 battery life has sucked. I am recharging mid day.

    Hopefully, they finally fix the battery.


    romantic wallpapers. romantic desktop wallpaper
  • romantic desktop wallpaper

  • bigrobb
    Dec 6, 05:52 PM
    Mind posting the source to that black 'n blue Apple-logo one?

    Looks shweet :cool:

    I can't remember where got it but I will post mine

    romantic wallpapers. Hopeless Romantic Wallpapers
  • Hopeless Romantic Wallpapers

  • raj9103
    Jul 8, 06:46 PM
    What is the best place to buy apple merchandise on the internet not at the company store?


    romantic wallpapers. Romantic Wallpaper Of Couples.
  • Romantic Wallpaper Of Couples.

  • Hazza95
    Jan 25, 02:32 PM
    i bought the season pass for Chuck season 4, and ep12 said it was ready to download. after it downloaded and i started watching it. it was ****** Pretty Little Liars instead!! WHAT THE HELL?! not happy. Is it other people as well or just me? :confused: get back to me soon.

    romantic wallpapers. Romantic couples wallpapers
  • Romantic couples wallpapers

  • Sonny bro
    Mar 17, 11:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Ipod touch 4g 4.2.1: Mozilla/5.0 (Sonny Bro!; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Im not.

    romantic wallpapers. Romantic wallpaper of girl and
  • Romantic wallpaper of girl and

  • spicyapple
    Nov 29, 12:19 PM
    People who pirate movies wouldn't have bought the movie in the first place. Adding usage restrictions only hurts the customers who bought the movie. If the studios are worried people will transfer movies to their friend's iPods, then they probably have their heads in the sand regarding the swapping of DVDs.

    Still, the concept of limiting consumers' rights is the issue at hand.

    Mar 23, 09:26 PM
    Using Apogee Duet and would like to record Safari 10.0.4.
    Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated in advance...

    You can capture the audio without need of any hardware like the Duet using software like "audio hijack"

    Mar 3, 02:46 PM
    I'm not "relating" anything to slavery, it's the only example I can think of where the people you are defending actually made 100% of the income. That's the logical and almost actual extension of your argument. (I can't believe you're calling me out, when you just posted a poll asking if people think we should go back to an interpretation of the Constitution that would allow the blatently racist actions of the years following the aboloshment of slavery through the 60s).

    You want to lower the tax burdens of people who have all the money, when everything is pointing to the wealth in this country being more and more consolidated in the hands of a very small group of people. In addition, everything is pointing to the economy and business being in trouble because of the very policy you are supporting.

    Sep 11, 12:47 AM
    Thank you sir!

    Dec 25, 04:31 PM
    yeah there's no doubt about it, we need more users. i think we need to get more active on here, and then more users will come.

    we really need more users with those new mac pros that can run the bigadv units. i'm doing all i can, but we need a lot more

    Mar 11, 09:58 AM
    Will be stopping by on my lunch to check out the situation, I'll post a pic of the line if there is one.

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